We don't have to live a life of restriction in midlife.

It's time to break free of diet culture and redefine what thriving looks like after 40.

Diet culture tells us that discipline and deprivation are the keys to a woman’s self-worth. But the truth is, this stage of life is a time to nourish ourselves and embrace who we are.

Through personal stories and critical insights, I expose the toxic myths around food, weight, and self-love. I’m rewriting the narrative to focus on joy, satisfaction, and unapologetic self-acceptance.

Kristi Koeter and hubs

Hi, I’m Kristi Koeter, a woman of many passions, including helping others!

I’m a mother, marketer and mountain biker … a writer, editor, best-selling author and former journalist … a lover of hiking and the outdoors, my kids, my husband, and my mutt, Sterling.

I’m proudly anti-diet and all about embracing midlife.

Daring to Ditch a Life of Diets?

What do we gain when we stop obsessing over food and our bodies?
I decided to find out.

One of my big passions is inspiring other women to stop measuring their self-worth by their appearance. When I ditched dieting in my mid-40s, it had a trickle effect in all aspects of my life. It gave me the courage to go out on my own and dare to live the life I had always dreamed of. I chronicle my experience transitioning to intuitive eating, detoxing from diet culture on my newsletter Almost Sated.

Read My Chapter!

In Show Your Work, I get real about one of the biggest challenges I've ever faced—and what I learned about myself.

This book is full of inspiring stories from women who have overcome massive challenges on their path to success. In my chapter, I write about how I ditched my well-established, safe career to become a full-time author.

Along the way, I found Intuitive Eating, a mind-body framework for rejecting diets, making peace with food and honoring the body’s hunger and satiety cues. It helped me reject the diet mentality — you’re never good enough, you’re never thin enough — that had ruled my entire existence and ultimately gave me the courage to begin a full-time writing career.

All proceeds from the sale of this book go to CTX Table of Grace, a nonprofit serving foster youth.